II Corinthians Twelve

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Who is still checking this site???

Dear Friends and family,
I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything here but ther hasn't been a lot to post. I would like to find out if anyone is still reading this blog so if you have checked this site, please leave a comment. My sister and I have benn thinking about things we can post here to keep you all up to date but we don't want to waste our time if no one is reading it.
Just to let you all klnow how Mom is oing, she is doing really well. She just got back from a trip to visit Marcus and elizabeth in Wisconsin. It was a long drive and she didn't like it very much. She and Daddy always loved to make trips together and Mom never drove so the trip was full of memories for her. She did have a good time with the Northern family and then she drove from their place to Chicago to stay with Dad's sister Carol for a few days while she attended MusiCollege. Another thing Mom and Dad would do together. She did enjoy herself and made new friends while visiting with old ones.
She rented a car for this trip since she knew her car wasn't in any shape to make such a long trip. She got home on Thursday. When she picked up her car from the rental place it started making some very loud and strange sounds so she took it to the garage on Friday morning. When she finally did make it home she noticed that there had been a lot of rain and that there were signs of flooding. She went headed downstairs to check to see if her basement had flooded. I don't know how many of you know but 4 years ago, Mom and Dad's basement flooded with 8 inches of sewer water from the rain w got form Hurricane Ivan. After that happened, Daddy came up with a contraption to keep this from happening again. He dug a trap where the water came in and then made a drain out into the back year and put a screen over the drain whole so animals couldn't come in. when Mom got home this past week and checked the water trap that Dad had made, she found that water had come in but Daddy's trap had saved her basement from flooding. Her neighbor's had been kind enough to call her Pastor and tell him that their basements had flooded and he might want to check on Mom's house. He had come in to check but found everything fine.
Mom has also found a job. It is right up her alley. She will be teaching music at a Christian school two days a week. She will be able to use their facilities to teach piano, so she should be able to expand her home business that way as well. She calls and talks to us when she needs to talk things out. She has said several times that she misses talking things over with Dad so I am always calling her to see what is going on. Mom has a financial counselor that she speaks with when she has questions and he has helped her out a lot. He has good ideas as to how to help her grow her home business as well. We are thankful for the way the Lord has provided for her and taken care of her so far.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Heidi! I still check periodically to see how your Mom is doing. Thanks for the update and the reminder to keep her (and all of you) in prayer.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Experiencing His Grace said...

Hi Aunt Janice, I'm so glad you were able to visit Hosanna--oh yes, and of course Bete and Marc too;-) We think about and pray for you. Excited that you got a job and trust all goes well. We'll keep in touch.
Evie Wesner

10:04 AM  

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