II Corinthians Twelve

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Friday, October 12, 2007

For some reason.....

I am having trouble downloading the other picture to the site. I will keep trying. Thanks for being patient!

More pics of Jack Stephan Curtis

Sunday, October 07, 2007

They're home!

Hello everyone. I apologize that this is late but we had church today and then a parade that the kids were in so we are just getting home. Jack Stephan and Tina came home from the hospital last night. The family did not go to church as they were up in the night and still recovering. Please continue to pray for adjustment and recovery.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Update on Jack Stephan

Hello everyone. Mom just called to give me an update. The baby was circumsized this morning and they snipped the little thing under his tongue this morning. This seemed to have helped him to eat. He is now eating good and he is no longer under the lights to help with the jaundiced. tina has been dismissed but she has some special title since she is nursing the baby so she is hanging out at the hospital a lot.

Friday, October 05, 2007

A request from Mom and a baby update!

Hello eeryone. I just got a call from Mom. She is having trouble retrieving her voicemail so she has asked that no one leave her any anymore. It just frustrates her. If you need to get a hold of her, you can call me and I will do all I can to get in contact with her and haev her call you.
Baby update. Jack Stephan's numbers haven't come down enough. He still isn't eating well and they are talking about taking him to the neo natal care center in a different hospital. I can't remember the name of it right now. please pray that he will start to eat better. I guess the problem is that he isn't interested in eating at all. He will suck twice and then stop. they have been "finger feeding" him which is they have a tube in a bottle of milk and put in their fingers and put their fingers in his mouth. he sucks on the fingers and gets fed. He is also "tongue tyed.". This means that the small flap of muscle that attaches his tongue to the bottom of his mouth comes out too far. to fx this, they will just snip it. As long as they do it now, it wont cost anything and will not cause him and troble in the future. if they wait it will cost money and cause speech problems.
children calling. i need to go. Please keep them all in your prayers!

Doing better!

Hello everyone! Tina and Jack Stephan are doing better. Tina was feeling much better today and the Dr. was going to let her go home but the baby can't go home just yet and so they decided to let her stay too. She needs the extra rest so it certainly wont hurt. Jack Stephan still doesn't like to suck so eating is not a fun time. However, his bodily functions have kicked in so he has had a few bowel movements and the bilirubin (sp?) has dropped but not enough for them to let him go home. He is spending his time under the lights with a mask over his eyes. My mom says that he has long legs. I am so excited to see him!!!!!!!! Thank you all for praying. Please continue to pray for them as they are still adjusting to all things baby.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

One picture!

Tina's sister sent me a couple pictures. Here is one. I will post the rest later. Here he is Jack Stephan Curtis. I don't think this picture shows his likeness of my father very well but it is a picture!

Please pray!

Hello everyone! Ed and Tina have asked us to pray for Jack Stephan. He has stopped eating. He is jaundiced and they need him to eat so he can pass all the toxins out of his body. They have put him on an IV in order to help his body to get rid of it. If this does not work, they will send him to the neo natal care center in a hospital in Scranton. Also, Tina is having some trouble recovering as well. She had a 4th degree tear and probably lost some blood. They put her on an IV to help her dehydration. Please keep them in your prayers. I do have a really cool thing to tell you. Jack Stephan looks like my Dad! It is so cool!!!!!!!! He has my Dad's nose. I will post some pictures as soon as I can.
I will try to keep you all up dated as much as I can.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Here are the details you have all been waiting for! Jack weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz and was 20 inches long. Tina had some serious tearing so she is in some pain so please keep her in your prayers.

He's here!!!

Jack Stephan Curtis arrived around 10:45 this morning. I do not have the details yet. Ed did say that he was good size and had dark hair. Mom is on her way there now. She is actually taking a nap in a rest area because she was having trouble keeping her eyes open. I am sorry it took so long to post this but I was at church for a funeral all day. Keep checking for more info. I will post as soon as I hear!

Monday, October 01, 2007


Hello everyone. Tina is in the hospital. They are going to keep her. She is 100% efaced but only 2 cm dialated. Ed is with her. It may be tonight but probably tomorrow. It is her first so it may take a while. Please keep them in your prayers. I will post more when I hear more!