II Corinthians Twelve

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

More news from the home front

Heidi Here. Thought I would let you know how things are going. Mom and I were talking last night and she was telling me some things that have improved with Dad lately. His blood pressure is better, his petechia is going away. His has basically kept his food down although he does cough up a lot of mucous which seems to be lining his mouth sometimes. He has had some pretty good nights of sleep lately and his potassium seems to be fine as well. Dad has been rather weak lately and he hadn't had a bowel movement for a week so the nurse was giving him some meds to help that situation. He decided he needed to go to the bathroom this morning and both Ed and Marcus were helping him get there and back and on the way back, Dad had some kind of episode that caused him to "pass out" for a lack of better words. His eyes never closed although they did roll back a little and then they were wide open but unseeing. It was a little scary. The boys were able to lay him gently on the floor in the hall way. We called the nurse and she sent an ambulance in order for the EMT's to lift Dad and get him back into bed. It was rather scary at the time. For anyone living in Lowellville, you may have seen the ambulance in front of the house but it was just so they could lift Dad back into bed. Marcus and his family and Ed and his family had planned to leave today. Since this mornings episode, Marcus has decided to stay. Ed and his family will go home and take a turn staying here with Mom at a later time. Please pray that they will have a safe trip home today and that we will be able to work out a schedule that works for everyone involved. We don't want to leave Mom here without someone here to help her. My daughter spent most of this past week here with her cousin Melanie. Danny and I came down yesterday in the early afternoon and Doug came down in time for supper. We did a small celebration of Danny's birthday with this part of the family last night. Doug took both kids back with him today because Kali had started in with a cough. We don't want her spreading germs. I will probably be here until tomorrow sometime. Aunt Carol comes in on Monday and with Danny having Spring Break next week, I will probably make a few trips and leave the kids with their Aunt or some others who might be interested in having the kids for a while. Please continue to pray for strength for Dad and for Momma so that she can continue to take care of him, for wisdom for us to know how best to help them. And for safety for those traveling over the next few days.


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