II Corinthians Twelve

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

News from the Home Front

Dear Friends and Family,

This is a note by Elizabeth (Marcus' wife). We have been here at mom and dad's for almost two weeks, and are planning on returning to Wisconsin this weekend, Lord willing. I wanted to let all of you know of Dad's progress since he returned from the hospital.

When we first got here Sunday evening, March twenty-fifth, dad was out in his recliner in the dining room. He was very talkative in spurts, and Joe and Melody were helping him record various memories. Off and on, the pain would get to him, and he would return to his room and lie down. By Tuesday he did not want to talk, and did not want to come out of his room much at all. As the previous posts explain, Mom and Marcus and Melody called the other two siblings and they came.

As a result of both the leukemia and the chemo treatments, Dad has been very weak and in a lot of pain. The medication he had to be on has also affected how much energy and time awake Dad has. One of the things the chemo did was affect his digestive system like an internal sunburn. As that effect is wearing away, Dad is feeling better.

We have sung hymns for dad several times. He has had special requests, and occasionally sings a verse or two. He also enjoyed watching part of the NCAA Championship game with both of his sons--which I am sure that they have not done all together since Ed was in high school. He has conferred with Marcus and Ed on various things that needed to be done around the house, like cleaning out the garage and getting rid of a brush pile in the back yard.

Dad is taking fewer pills than he was last week, from about 25 a day to only about 5 a day. Since Dad is feeling better, he is only taking a twelve hour painkiller twice a day, rather than also taking morphine drops around the clock. Since he is on less morphine, he is more alert.

Dad is keeping more food down, more often. He can't eat a wide range of food, but he can eat. His digestive system is beginning to work properly, too, now that the "sunburn" is going away.
While as far as we know Dad still has leukemia, he IS doing much better. One thing we have been praying about is his spirits, and we thank you for praying for Dad. He called us in to pray with him last night, once again expressing to God his trust in Him. Dad tires when he talks, so our time together was short, even though it was special.

Thank you all for praying for Dad and Mom and for our family as a whole. Please continue to pray as Mom and Dad will be alone on and off the next few weeks.

Love in Christ,

Elizabeth Curtis


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