II Corinthians Twelve

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Friday, January 19, 2007

An E-mail from Mom and Dad

(Picture of Mom and Dad was taken in the hospital just before he got his hair cut.)

Dear Family and Friends,

This is the quickest way I know to convey our thanks for all of your prayers, cards, notes, and other expressions of care and concern for us. (At least it should be quick......our phone, and thus, our e-mail, has been out of order for two days now, so I probably won't get this sent until the repair is completed.)Some of my lessons have canceled for today because of intermittent blizzard conditions, so here I am at home with time to write.

Our hearts were filled with praise to the Lord late Friday afternoon when we got the news that Steve's leukemia is in complete remission. Yesterday we were further blessed when Dr. Garg, the oncologist quoted the pathologist as saying Steve's biopsy results were "super!" That was exactly what we had been praying for....that even the doctors would be impressed with the way God is caring for Steve. We can only give the credit to the Lord and we are so thankful.

He will remain in the hospital for about 2 more weeks. They are administering daily booster shots to improve his immunity. I am spending what time I have at home getting rid of my house plants and other things that might harbor germs or bacteria. We hope to sit down with the doctor one day this week and discuss what other changes we will have to make. I may have to find another place to give my piano lessons or else stop teaching, at least temporarily. Children are a breeding ground for all kinds of infectious diseases that Steve should not be exposed to. Of course, he will not be driving bus for at least 9 months and maybe not even then. We are both very willing to do whatever is necessary and what the Lord wants for our lives. Steve is feeling much better this week and we are hoping that he won't have any more episodes of infection, fever spikes and chills like he suffered during and immediately following both rounds of chemotherapy.

Thank-you just doesn't seem enough to say for how much you, our friends and family, have blessed our hearts at this time. We hope to talk with or write to each of you personally in the near future. May the Lord bless you.


Steve & Jan Curtis


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