II Corinthians Twelve

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What I did with this day.

Last night I became rather upset because I knew that I wanted to acknowledge this day in some way but I had no idea how to do it. Ask, Doug. I got pretty cranky. This morning I decided that I would check to see if Beth, my sister in law could keep the kids all afternoon. She was watching them for me anyway because I had a meeting at Danny's school with his teachers and therapists. After the meeting, I stopped at the local florists and picked up 4 roses. Two white roses, a red rose and a lavender and white striped rose. I had wanted to get two white and two red but they only had one red left. The lavender and white striped rose was left over from an Amish wedding that morning. So, I had the man wrap up the white, red and lavender roses and keep one white rose all by itself. I headed down to Lowellville. I called Mom to see where she was and what she was doing and she was at home but headed to the Lawyer's office. That was fine with me. I went up to the cemetery and put the single white rose on Daddy's grave. I stood there for a while and cried. I felt the need to bring those emotions to the for front of my mind. I had been so busy the past two weeks and I felt numb. Everything still felt unreal to me. This seemed very strange to me. Anyway, I headed down to Momma's when I was done and went in and used the bathroom and wandered around the house looking at pictures, reading notes and cards. Then I went out for a walk around town. Thinking of memories the whole time. Doug told me that I was fine where I was and I didn't have to rush back, as long as I was home so he could go to work in the morning. I called Momma again and told her that I was in town and they were on their way home. "They" being Aunt Carol and Momma. We had a nice supper together and then I went digging around the basement for some stuff that Doug had seen a couple weeks ago. We loaded that up and I headed home around 7:55. I got home at about 9:05. I feel much better now and I think I have started my own little tradition in how to commemorate this day.
Mom seems to be doing okay for now. The lawyer had all positive things to say and Mom was able to pick up the Guest book from the funeral home and she spent some time looking that over as well. There is still much for her to do so I am sure she would like continued prayer for strength, comfort and guidance.
One more thing. My mother has one of those calendars that gives a verse of scripture everyday. Today, on Daddy's birthday was the verse we used for this blog. The verse Daddy chose to help him get through the last 4 months. My mother was so very pleased to see this. I think it made her day. God know just what we need, when we need it, no matter the circumstances!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007


........would have been Daddy's 64th birthday. I want to commemorate the day but I am not sure how. I know it will be hard for all of us so I would appreciate it if you all would pray for us tomorrow. Aunt Carol is flying in tomorrow morning to be with Momma for the next few days. They are going to see the Lawyer and will be working on getting a headstone. There are also other things that Aunt Carol is going to help Mom do while she is there.
Hope you all have a good week.

Keeping up.

Dear All,
I know many of you are used to checking Dad's blog everyday or so. I will not be posting much on here anymore. Maybe a thought or memory here or there. Maybe a picture. I have a blog that I started before Daddy got sick and I neglected it while I was working on Daddy's blog but I am back to posting now and again. If you are interested in keeping up with our family, feel free to check it out. I mention my siblings and mother quite frequently too. Check it out here, at heidichandler.blogspot.com I have posted some pictures of the kids and nieces and nephews. Doug took them for my parents on Palm Sunday and Dad saw them on good Friday and commented on what a good job Doug had done.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A photo gallery of Dad

Dear All,
Many had experssed a wish to see some of the photos that Doug had put on to the DVD slide show at Dadd't viewing and fneral. Here is a link that will take you to the gallery.http://chortler.smugmug.com/gallery/2729267. I hope you enjoy them!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Aunt Carol's Tribute to Daddy

My brother Steve LOVED to play baseball.

Second base in High School; short stop in college. He was really proud of the fact that in all the years he played, Little League through college, he never failed to make the starting lineup. He was that good.

He learned to play and love the game when we were just little kids. Our house on Northwood Road had a big front yard, and from the time it was barely warm enough in spring until it was too cold in the fall, neighborhood kids would gather in our yard to play baseball.

In the evenings our Dad would join us and run a little baseball clinic. He’d patiently pitch to us and teach us to hit. He’d play pepper, or flies and grounders until it was too dark to see the ball.

Steve was a natural. His skills just improved over the years. He had a good eye and was a solid hitter. He was an excellent infielder because he was quick, and he had a powerful throwing arm. You should have seen him turn a double play! But, oh, how Steve could run! Head down, arms and legs pumping, he flew around the base paths.

Last winter he and I were talking on the phone. We were reminiscing about his baseball playing days. He told me something I hadn’t known: Twice in his baseball career he’d attempted to steal home. Both times he’d been called out. By the sound of his voice I could tell: he wished he’d had another chance.

Well, last Monday morning Steve got another chance.

He’d made it all the way to third base. He was exhausted. He watched the pitcher, carefully calculating his lead-off distance. Suddenly he took off, flying toward the plate. Head down, arms and legs pumping. Then he dove, head first, I just KNOW he did!

But this time, waiting for him was the Lord Jesus Christ. Arms spread wide in welcome, He leaned over Steve’s outstretched fingers, and He said “You’re safe, Steve. You’re Safe at Home.”

Thank you isn't enough.

Dear Friends and Loved One,
We were overwhelmed by the out-pouring of support given to our family over the past week. Thank you so much for everything.
Doug plans to work on some stuff to add to this blog in the near future but I am not sure how long it will take him to get everything put together and posted. Please don't forget to check in every once in a while to see if he has posted the new things.
Again, thank you so much for all your love, prayers and support.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Arrangements for Steve Curtis' Funeral


Visitation Thursday, April 12, 2007:


4-8 P.M. at Cunningham-Becker Funeral Home in Lowellville


Location: 244 McGill St., Lowellville, Ohio 44436; (330) 536-6213



Friday, April 13, 2007:


1 P.M. short viewing at Gospel Baptist Church in Poland

2 P.M. funeral

Interment private

Dinner at Gospel Baptist Church, immediately following, for friends and family


GBC location: 6235 Clingan Rd., Poland, Ohio 44514; (330) 757-0736


In lieu of flowers, the family suggests a memorial gift to Bible Baptist Temple (230 Lettie Ave., Campbell, OH 44405)

To Our Dear Friends

Steve passed from this life to be with the Lord in Heaven sometime between 1 and 3AM this morning. We have not finalized the arrangements yet but tentatively we have the visitation set for Thursday here inLowellville and the Funeral Service on Friday in nearby Poland. Iwanted to let you, our cherished friends know. Thank you so much foryour prayers and encouragement during these 4 months of Steve's illness. We are comforted by the words of scripture that tell us that to be"absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."

Sunday, April 08, 2007


"Someday the silver cord will break, and I no more, as now, shall sing. But oh, the joy when I shall wake, within the palace of the King. And I shall see Him face to Face, and tell the story--Saved by Grace; and I shall see Him face to face, and tell the story-Saved by Grace."

After Dad's episode Saturday morning, we have seen rapid deterioration in Dad's condition. There isn't much more to tell at this time but please pray for comfort for Dad and strength, wisdom and safety for the family. Unless the Lord returns before then, very soon Dad will be in the presence of the King.

We would like to ask that you limit any calls to Mom and Dad Curtis' main phone line. If you must call, please call one of the following cell phones: Heidi and Doug Chandler: 440-463-8348 or Marcus and Elizabeth: 607-237-6381. Thank you for your love and prayers.

More news from the home front

Heidi Here. Thought I would let you know how things are going. Mom and I were talking last night and she was telling me some things that have improved with Dad lately. His blood pressure is better, his petechia is going away. His has basically kept his food down although he does cough up a lot of mucous which seems to be lining his mouth sometimes. He has had some pretty good nights of sleep lately and his potassium seems to be fine as well. Dad has been rather weak lately and he hadn't had a bowel movement for a week so the nurse was giving him some meds to help that situation. He decided he needed to go to the bathroom this morning and both Ed and Marcus were helping him get there and back and on the way back, Dad had some kind of episode that caused him to "pass out" for a lack of better words. His eyes never closed although they did roll back a little and then they were wide open but unseeing. It was a little scary. The boys were able to lay him gently on the floor in the hall way. We called the nurse and she sent an ambulance in order for the EMT's to lift Dad and get him back into bed. It was rather scary at the time. For anyone living in Lowellville, you may have seen the ambulance in front of the house but it was just so they could lift Dad back into bed. Marcus and his family and Ed and his family had planned to leave today. Since this mornings episode, Marcus has decided to stay. Ed and his family will go home and take a turn staying here with Mom at a later time. Please pray that they will have a safe trip home today and that we will be able to work out a schedule that works for everyone involved. We don't want to leave Mom here without someone here to help her. My daughter spent most of this past week here with her cousin Melanie. Danny and I came down yesterday in the early afternoon and Doug came down in time for supper. We did a small celebration of Danny's birthday with this part of the family last night. Doug took both kids back with him today because Kali had started in with a cough. We don't want her spreading germs. I will probably be here until tomorrow sometime. Aunt Carol comes in on Monday and with Danny having Spring Break next week, I will probably make a few trips and leave the kids with their Aunt or some others who might be interested in having the kids for a while. Please continue to pray for strength for Dad and for Momma so that she can continue to take care of him, for wisdom for us to know how best to help them. And for safety for those traveling over the next few days.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

News from the Home Front

Dear Friends and Family,

This is a note by Elizabeth (Marcus' wife). We have been here at mom and dad's for almost two weeks, and are planning on returning to Wisconsin this weekend, Lord willing. I wanted to let all of you know of Dad's progress since he returned from the hospital.

When we first got here Sunday evening, March twenty-fifth, dad was out in his recliner in the dining room. He was very talkative in spurts, and Joe and Melody were helping him record various memories. Off and on, the pain would get to him, and he would return to his room and lie down. By Tuesday he did not want to talk, and did not want to come out of his room much at all. As the previous posts explain, Mom and Marcus and Melody called the other two siblings and they came.

As a result of both the leukemia and the chemo treatments, Dad has been very weak and in a lot of pain. The medication he had to be on has also affected how much energy and time awake Dad has. One of the things the chemo did was affect his digestive system like an internal sunburn. As that effect is wearing away, Dad is feeling better.

We have sung hymns for dad several times. He has had special requests, and occasionally sings a verse or two. He also enjoyed watching part of the NCAA Championship game with both of his sons--which I am sure that they have not done all together since Ed was in high school. He has conferred with Marcus and Ed on various things that needed to be done around the house, like cleaning out the garage and getting rid of a brush pile in the back yard.

Dad is taking fewer pills than he was last week, from about 25 a day to only about 5 a day. Since Dad is feeling better, he is only taking a twelve hour painkiller twice a day, rather than also taking morphine drops around the clock. Since he is on less morphine, he is more alert.

Dad is keeping more food down, more often. He can't eat a wide range of food, but he can eat. His digestive system is beginning to work properly, too, now that the "sunburn" is going away.
While as far as we know Dad still has leukemia, he IS doing much better. One thing we have been praying about is his spirits, and we thank you for praying for Dad. He called us in to pray with him last night, once again expressing to God his trust in Him. Dad tires when he talks, so our time together was short, even though it was special.

Thank you all for praying for Dad and Mom and for our family as a whole. Please continue to pray as Mom and Dad will be alone on and off the next few weeks.

Love in Christ,

Elizabeth Curtis

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Just a note.

Dad has been doing well but he is still very tired. Because of this he isn't really up for visiting very much. If you were to visit, odds are, you would get to visit with whatever family members are there, but not with Dad. He is just so tired and therefore he has trouble even coming up with words to say. Even the family does not spend too much time in his room because the commotion it too much for him. Mom is the principle go-between and care giver. The chemo has ravaged his body and he still hasn't come out of that fully. Please understand that it isn't because he doesn't care for or love you all but just that he is too tired and needs to rest in order to get better. There may come a time when he is better and wants company but for now, visits are just too much for him. Please continue to pray for Dad to gain strength. I know that if God gives him more time on this earth, this experience will change the way he is able to minister to others who are sick. We can see the many ways that God can use this for His glory, no matter what happens. Again, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

From Aunt Carol

Steve's sister Aunt Carol here. I thought you'd like to read how we spent last weekend. Saturday evening we grilled burgers and hot dogs in the beautiful warm weather. EVERYONE was there: all four kids and their families, Janice and me. After the little ones went to bed, the adults stayed up to play a board game and talk. Steve wasn't able to join us, but we took turns visiting him in his room. On Sunday morning, Marcus volunteered to stay home with Steve while everyone else went to church. It was a little hectic getting everyone scheduled for showers, but Doug even managed to set up a group photo shoot of all the grand kids in their church finery. Janice really enjoyed getting out and visiting church friends. Sunday afternoon, Heidi, Doug and their children went home. Before they left we enjoyed a wonderful braised steak dinner with mashed potatoes and green beans provided by the Presbyterian church Hope Circle folks. Following dinner, we held a little Sunday night church service of our own, featuring a hymn sing, with Janice playing the piano and everyone calling out favorites. Marc read Psalm 118. Steve listened from his room, and later declared it "super!"
As Heidi reported, the evaluation results Monday were very encouraging. Steve's extreme fatigue is caused by the low white blood count, which also makes him so susceptible to infection. Thus the reason we have to limit visitors. There is much to be thankful for, and your prayers are so welcome. Thank you for your faithfulness and friendship. -- Aunt Carol

Monday, April 02, 2007


Hey all you blog friends, I just wanted to let you know that the doctor has cut back the Potassium and has prescribed an antidepressant. Something very mild but enough to get him out of his funk. I guess the report from the doctor was good. They didn't do an blood work because Dad's veins are so bad. They did tell my mom that the Lasix was what was taking all the Potassium out of his body and since he is now eating, albeit very little, he is doing fine now.
he still needs to be able to keep more food down and his spirits need to be up and his energy.
I would like to add a prayer request that has nothing to do with my parents. My husbands grandparents aren't doing very well. I don't want to go into detail because it would take a while. I would just like to ask you to pray for them and the family. Thanks!
Please continue to pray. I think that some of the family will be heading back to their homes but haven't heard any information on that front yet.

Just some talk

I know many of you are anxious for any kind of news every day. I am so sorry that there are times when I go days without posting anything new. It is very hard for me to come up with things to post when we are going about our daily lives. Granted, our daily lives have changed in many ways, especially Mom and Dad's.
Since the whole family was home this week I will go over some of the highlights with you all. Tuesday night Marcus came up and got the kids and I and took as back to Mom and Dad's. His family and Melody and Joe and their kids were there already. By Wednesday morning I decided that a crowded house where there couldn't be much noise wasn't a good place for the kids right then so I called my sister in law and she drove down to get them. By Wednesday night, everyone, including aunt Carol, had gotten to Mom and Dad's except Doug, who had to work and couldn't make it that evening. Mom and Dad's church family came to the house at about 5:30 to sing a few songs out on the front lawn. They first sang Happy Birthday to my mother and presented her with a birthday cake. Dad made the effort to get up out of bed and sit in the dining room so that he could enjoy the singing and sing along. There were tears. Thursday, the Hospice nurse came in to take some blood but that took quite a bit longer since she had trouble with Daddy's veins. Once she had finished we were all a a little worried and so the plans we had made for Mom's birthday, got put on hold. instead, we ordered lunch from bob Evans, Momma's favorite restaurant. Thursday afternoon, Ed had to take his van up to Burton to get some work done on it. Since we live down the street from the dealership, he dropped his van off and walked over to our house and picked up our van and drove it back down to my parents so I would have a vehicle. We also waited to hear the results of the blood work. We eventually had to call them since they never got back to us. The neighbors brought over a nice lasagna meal for Momma's birthday dinner and afterwards, we had the birthday cake from the church family and she opened cards from everyone. Mom was kind of sad because she didn't want to have a big noisy party without Dad. We totally understood that so we kept it low key.
On Friday, Mom had a doctor's appointment for her knee which has been giving her some bad pain. Aunt Carol took her to that and the 4 girls, with Melanie and Hosanna in tow went to the mall in order to fulfill Dad's wishes concerning Momma's birthday. Dad wanted to get her some more casual church dresses. So we girls went into JCPenney's and split up looking for outfits for her. We each came back with at least two outfits or items. We piled in to a handicapped dressing room and hung them up so we could decided which to get her. Melody had found the less formal dresses that Dad had wanted and so those were immediately put aside to keep for Daddy's gift to her. There were 4 more outfits that we had to go thru. A red pants suit, a pink skirt suit, a blue light weight sweater with a matching skirt and a brown and blue dress with a cardigan and a green floral skirt and matching plain green top. We were able to choose the pink floral skirt suit and the red pants suit. Those two outfits were gifts from all of us kids. The girls had a great time together. It will be a good memory. We got home and showed the dresses to Dad and he presented them to Momma. Then we gave her the two outfits that we had picked out for her. After that, I packed up my stuff and headed to Huntsburg to get my kids and spend the night with my family. I also had a open house/shower that I needed to attend for a family friend who is becoming a foster parent It was nice to visit with that family as they are old family friends who we don't get to visit with very much. I was able to convey the whole families congratulations. After the party, I went back to our apartment, packed up our stuff and the kids and headed back to Mom and Dad's. Doug was behind me by about 40 minutes. He brought his camera with him. once we got to Mom and Dad we ate and the kids played. It wasn't long before it was bedtime. The kids went to bed and Aunt Carol headed to her hotel room for some much needed sleep. We all should have gone right to bed but we weren't sure when the next time the 8 of us would be together so we gathered around for a chance to talk. Many topics were covered and we were up a lot later then we should have been. Doug and I went for a late night walk. Something we used to do before the kids came along and we don't usually get the opportunity so we took it. Needless to say many of us had a very hard night, sleep wise. In fact, I got NO SLEEP. Sunday morning we had made plans to get pictures of the grand kids all together. They also got some individual pics. The picture with all 6 grandchildren was very difficult and Doug isn't sure that he got a decent one but hopefully he got one that he can use as a basic and then he will cut and paste and work his magic on so that Momma and Daddy have a good picture of all of their Grandchildren. Everyone got to church at the times they wanted to. I took Mom to just the morning service. I hadn't planned on going at all since I hadn't gotten any sleep but went anyway so Momma could get there. After church was lunch and then Doug took my kids home. The other kids went down for quiet time. I had brought with me some old family home videos from past Christmases and other family functions so we took the time during quiet time to watch some of those. We got some supper together when those were done and ate. After supper, I packed up and headed home because I didn't want to be driving in the dark when I was so tired. The plan at Mom and Dad's was to have a time of singing hymns and scripture reading instead of attending an evening service. I would have liked to stay for that but I knew it would probably be late before they got started and I was already home when they did finally get everyone together to do that.
As far as today goes. I think Melody and Joe were working on packing up their stuff because Joah, the youngest has gotten a cold and they want to get him to the doctor and keep his germs away from everyone if they can. Ed has to come up here and pick up his van and we are waiting for the doctors to come and examine Daddy. If they have a good report, then Marcus and Ed and their families will head back to their homes because of jobs waiting for them. I will head back down on Thursday or Friday and I believe Aunt Carol may leave on Thursday or Friday. She drove this time instead of flying so she can go whenever she wants to.
I think this has updated you all on the past week's goings on in the Curtis household.

Some things to pray for: A good report from the doctor, Dad's ability to keep food in his stomach, safety for traveling family members. Dad also seems to be getting depressed. Pray that we will be able to keep his spirits up.

Some praises: Dad has been keeping oatmeal, PB & J and some other things down. In all of these items is some homeopathic supplement. It is called Glycomannan. This seems to be helping but we wont know until we hear back from the doctors. Mom has also been able to keep up with her household bills which is a big praise.

One last thing that I forgot. On Wednesday, Marcus had a meeting with the funeral director. Marcus generously took that task over from Momma. Please pray for Marcus. It can't be an easy thing to do. We are all trying to help but he has the responsibility.


Hello friends. We spent the weekend with Mom and Dad. Everyone was together for the first time. Dad does seem to be doing better. There is a re-evaluation today and when we find out the results, we will have a better idea of the plans of the rest of the family. I do know that Joe and Melody have decided to go home because Joah has gotten a bad cough in his chest and they want to get that taken care of. The kids and I will probably head down at the end of the week. If the report is good, Ed and Marc and their families will head home. aunt Carol is planning on going home near the end of the week and we don't want to leave them all at once.
Dad seems to be pretty down. Momma is a little worried about it. I suggested that she keep the blinds open and get Daddy up and in his chair at least once a day.
I had better go for now. I will let everyone know when we hear the results of the re-evaluation