II Corinthians Twelve

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

From the Desk of Steve

Dear Family and Friends,
One more day in the books at home!! Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!Although for some reason I have trouble getting to sleep at night. Monday night it was after 4AM that I finally dozed off. Last night I decided to use the "electronic tube" for a sleep aid and slept at about 2am. At 3:45am I awoke and decided the bed would be more comfortable. Praise the Lord for a reasonable nights sleep. Yesterday, Janice and I went "out" (actually I stayed in the car) and stopped for meds and groceries. I read the paper while she was in the various places. It was good to get out and see the town from a different perspective. For those of you who do not know, I was on the 8th floor of the hospital with a view south. My room was the farthest one toward the west, so I liked to think of it as my "penthouse". If you called you know that I answered the phone, " Curtis's Penthouse". I got a giggle from some the"OFFICIAL" people who called. I am still grasping with the fact that my body is in the "re cooperation"stage. Therefore I have to think REST, although my body reminds me on aregular basis. I just have to learn to listen. Thanks again for your prayers and cards. With the Lord's help and your encouragement we'll get through this. I do not expect to be back to normal (whatever that is) until mid to late summer. If it comes sooner,"Praise the Lord!!!"
In His care,
Steve and Jan

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Home-coming, from Steve

Dear Family and Friends,I guess Heidi beat me to it....Telling you I'm home....Finally! Janice brought me home last night at about 6:30pm, via Arby's. We have to see the doctors (yes, plural) this AM, and have some meds to purchase. Then we have to figure out the med schedule (you would think the drs. would have set that very clearly before we left). Anyway, we will be busy for a few days just getting into a routine (different from the hospital routine). Some of the meds are just short term (this week), and otherswill be lifetime. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. Janice said she read someplace where long term hospital stays are not unlike getting out of jail (psychologically). I finally fell asleep in front of the TV some time after 4am. Thanks to my sister I had a nice new recliner to sleep in. In some ways it was a lot like the hospital bed, not flat and with a hard surface. Without my hair I have to wear a stocking cap (just like in the hospital), to keep my head warm. I was surprised to find it still on my head this morning. I will also wear a hoodie to bed. It keeps my neck warm. One of the other things that I have noticed is how very weak I am with regard to normal everyday activities. Two times up and down the stairs and I was breathing hard. I am hoping to nap only up to the early afternoon, so I will be ready to sleep when it is time. That will not be easy since I am used to a different schedule. Light snow here, and the low 20's, and I'm not allowed to go out and play. Not even to brush the snow off the car. Ahhhh...well. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. WAIT....I say, on the Lord!!!!Thanks so much for your cards and prayers. They mean so much to Janice and me. It is one of the learning experiences for me. More on that later.
In His care,
Steve and Jan

Monday, January 29, 2007

He's Home!!!

Yep, he is home but without some of his medication. He should be okay for about 12 hours. I don't know what will happen tomorrow but for now, Dad is home and happy! In fact, he is thrilled!!!!!!!!!! He is reading a print out of this blog. He hasn't ever seen it yet. I don't know if the person who printed it out and sent it to them also sent along the comments. We will see. They have seen them all because I sent them on by email and Mom would read them to Dad.
Please continue to pray that things will get settled quickly and ease everyone's mind. (including mine)

Total Frustration!

(Dad with Kalista)
Well, I just got off the phone with Mom. She said that the social worker was in this morning. When Mom asked about the status of their Medicaid, she said that they were working on it but that since Dad was on an antibiotic, he needed to be released to a facility. Not at all what they were expecting to hear and they aren't sure why someone didn't mention this before the day he was supposed to go home! So now they are waiting. They aren't even sure what they are waiting for! Please pray for patience for them, for answers from the Medicaid people and for answers from the doctors and social workers.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Slight correction

Well, I talked to my Dad a little more about the procedure being done today and he told me that they are not going to put in another Hickman catheter. Instead they are going to put in an arm pick which will go into his arm around where they would put in a an IV but it will go all the way up his arm and into some major vein or artery. Actually the same one that the Hickman had been in. They are going to analyze the tip of the Hickman to check on the infection.
As long as Dad does well with the procedure and his white cell count continues to increase he should be home by Saturday. That is what dad would like you to pray for. He also told me that he will be writing an e-mail as soon as possible from home that he will send to me and have me post. I expect that I will get these often from him so he can keep you updated on how he is feeling and doing.

Good morning!

(Picture of Dad with his Dad)
Hey All! Sometime today Dad will be having a procedure to remove his Hickman catheter and put a new one in a new place. ALL the doctor's are in agreement that it may be the site of infection that is keeping Daddy from feeling good. They have been wanting to do it since a week after they put it in but they needed to get the chemo done. Since he will still have more chemo to go through over the next few months, they can't just remove it all together. They need to put a new one in. He sounds great today and I think he is doing well. Over a week ago there was an electrical fire outside of the hospital, just outside Dad's window. He watched it for a while but this caused the hospital to be without power. They told Dad that it would be two or three days before they got it fixed but it turned out to be a week and a day before they finally got the power restored. I guess it finally came back on at about 11:45 PM last night. I can't believe they took so long to restore power to a hospital. Now they had some pretty HUGE generators in order to run emergency power resources but still.....
We are looking forward to the news that Dad can go home this weekend. Dad is looking forward to being able to sit in his new recliner. THANKS AUNT CAROL!!!!!
Well, Lots to do today! When I know anymore, I will be sure to post an update!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Just a little something

Daddy hasn't been feeling to good the last few days. We were worried that he might have some kind of infection but they are pretty sure it is just the booster shots that are making him feel so bad. His Chest X-Ray came back clear. We are hoping he will be home this weekend. He is hoping too but I don't think there are any guarantees. Please continue to pray.

(First Family picture with Heidi in it. Ed (Eric) was just over a year old, Melody was not quite 5 and Marcus was probably just 3. Heidi was most likely not even a month old yet, but I don't know for sure)

Friday, January 19, 2007

An E-mail from Mom and Dad

(Picture of Mom and Dad was taken in the hospital just before he got his hair cut.)

Dear Family and Friends,

This is the quickest way I know to convey our thanks for all of your prayers, cards, notes, and other expressions of care and concern for us. (At least it should be quick......our phone, and thus, our e-mail, has been out of order for two days now, so I probably won't get this sent until the repair is completed.)Some of my lessons have canceled for today because of intermittent blizzard conditions, so here I am at home with time to write.

Our hearts were filled with praise to the Lord late Friday afternoon when we got the news that Steve's leukemia is in complete remission. Yesterday we were further blessed when Dr. Garg, the oncologist quoted the pathologist as saying Steve's biopsy results were "super!" That was exactly what we had been praying for....that even the doctors would be impressed with the way God is caring for Steve. We can only give the credit to the Lord and we are so thankful.

He will remain in the hospital for about 2 more weeks. They are administering daily booster shots to improve his immunity. I am spending what time I have at home getting rid of my house plants and other things that might harbor germs or bacteria. We hope to sit down with the doctor one day this week and discuss what other changes we will have to make. I may have to find another place to give my piano lessons or else stop teaching, at least temporarily. Children are a breeding ground for all kinds of infectious diseases that Steve should not be exposed to. Of course, he will not be driving bus for at least 9 months and maybe not even then. We are both very willing to do whatever is necessary and what the Lord wants for our lives. Steve is feeling much better this week and we are hoping that he won't have any more episodes of infection, fever spikes and chills like he suffered during and immediately following both rounds of chemotherapy.

Thank-you just doesn't seem enough to say for how much you, our friends and family, have blessed our hearts at this time. We hope to talk with or write to each of you personally in the near future. May the Lord bless you.


Steve & Jan Curtis

Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm sorry...

I forgot to let you all know that Dad has two weeks worth of booster shots, which started on Friday night, until he can go home. Mom says even after he gets home, visitors will be restricted for a while. Dad does enjoy getting visitor's and I expect, as he starts to feel better, he will want more but the doctor told us that he is at his most vulnerable right now. No white blood cells to fight infection. If you are healthy and want to see Dad, call and ask him, or mom. If you have had any contact with people who are sick, you will want to be careful too. I had best get to bed. It is late here. Lot's of snow on the way so maybe no school. Poor Daniel, missed most of last week and no school today. Of course, we will have a snow day tomorrow.
Good night!

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Results Are In

The Dr. called just a short while ago, and gave Dad the results of the biopsy over the phone. According to the Doctor, the cancer cells are GONE! It was a clear biopsy. We know that the ordeal is not over, but for now at least, things are really looking up. The hospital will begin giving Dad booster shots tonight in order to restore his immune system. There is still no word on when he can come home, but it should not be long.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. With God, all things are possible, and to Him goes all the credit. Please continue to pray that the cancer will stay in remission and that Dad will begin to feel like himself once again.

Pray today!

(This is a picture of Dad with Melody!)

Today is the day of the next Bone Marrow Biopsy. Please pray for the best results! Dad needs to get out of the hospital for a while. He is going stir crazy and it is starting to get him down. I am heading down there this morning and I don't know if I will be back tonight or tomorrow morning but I will make sure Doug posts something tonight. It will not be the results but we will get those up as soon as we hear them!
Hope you all have a great day!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

An e-mail from Mom

Hi Everyone!Dad (Steve ) is not doing well at all today. He has been sleeping a lotand he is very depressed. He told me that all this is starting to get tohim. I was there for two hours and then he wanted me to come home and domy 2 lessons and get the mail. I am heading back up there right now andwill probably stay until he sends me home. I promised him an Arby'sjamocha shake and a junior roast beef but when I got there he hadforgotten and ate his lunch (2 bites) and that made him upset. I savedthe fast food in the fridge so if I get there quickly maybe he will eatthat for supper. Thought I would keep you all up to the minute on what is happening. The bone marrow test is scheduled for some time tomorrow,I believe. Gotta run.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Good Afternoon

(This picture was taken in Oct. of 2002 two weeks after Kalista was born)

I talked to a Dad a little while ago. I guess he has some kind of sinus infection. Hard to believe since they have him on almost every antibiotic they have. The doctor ordered a steroid to help fight the infection. He wants me to tell you all that he has good days and bad days and in between days. Although he is doing better today then he was last night, he still isn't feeling great like he was yesterday morning.
My mother also told me that the doctor came in yesterday and told Dad not to even think about going back to work for 9 months. He will have to go back to the hospital for chemo probably several times and because it will kill his immune system, he will have to stay in the hospital every time he gets the chemo. I don't think he was too thrilled to hear this but we will do our best to make it as easy on him as possible. These Chemo treatments are called Maintenance treatments, at least that is what I have found in my reading.
I don't know how often I will be updating this site after Dad goes home but I will keep you informed as to his health and such and when he goes back in for Chemo treatments and such.
My little girl is sick with some kind of Flu I think, so now both kids are sick. Not surprising really. It is going around.
Thank you all for your continued prayers!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Talked to Dad today.

(This picture was taken in 2000)

Well, I talked to Dad today and he is doing very well. He refused his Vicodin because his shoulders weren't bothering him and he doesn't want to take that stuff when he doesn't need it. He was very upbeat and said he was getting his appetite back too. Things still don't taste the way they should but that should come back too.
Daniel came down with a cold this week so I will not be going to visit Dad this week either. Please continue to pray for Dad and Mom. The walls in Dad's room were absolutely covered in cards. They had them in groups of Christmas cards, Anniversary cards and Get Well cards. The Christmas and Anniversary cards have been taken down so the walls are a little more bare. Thank you all so much for your continued prayer for Mom and Dad

Saturday, January 06, 2007

A short update!

Hello to all. I just got off the phone with my parents. Dad is in quite a bit of pain and he wasn't feeling very good. Mom was up here to visit her parents this morning and then went straight to the hospital. She stopped by here to drop a few things off and pick a few things up too. It was good to see her. The kids always love to see their grandparents. Danny wanted to talk to Papa Cheese so I called and let him talk with Dad for a while. Danny's conversation skills need work but he loves to talk on the phone.
I was just at a funeral and I spent time talking with a lot of people who are sick or have sick children so I will not be going to visit Dad for a while just in case I have picked something up. No use endangering Dad for no reason. Hopefully he will be going home soon and his immune system will be back to normal, then we will go and visit. Please continue to pray!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Talked to Dad tonight.

He wanted me to tell everyone that he was feeling a bit better today. He got a much better nights sleep last night which helped a lot. He also asked me to pass along the information that he is being given more platelets and more whole blood to help boost his immune system. Tonight is the last night of Chemo and then the next test should be next Friday or Saturday. I am betting that it could be as late as a week from Monday. We are hoping not. He is still asking everyone to pray for a good test result so that he can go home soon.
Good night!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Prayer Request and a picture!

Hello all. Dad has given me permission to post this picture and has asked that I add a prayer request. The next test is probably about January 12 and he would like everyone to pray that the test is clear of the cancer and that he will be able to go home. He is going stir crazy in his hospital room and getting pretty bored. This next week will be the week where he wont be feeling too good Please continue to pray for Dad to keep up his strength, his spirits, and to stay infection free. ( The picture is of Dad with his sister, Carol)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Please Remember.......

.......No flowers Please. Dad's is not allowed flowers or plants and he is not allowed to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. His body is low on Neutrophyll which is what process bacteria and fungi and things like that which come in on fresh fruits and vegetables and plants and flowers. Balloons are okay but ONLY MYLAR. Latex balloons are not allowed in the hospital at all.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. Dad would much prefer a card and a letter about how your family is doing, a picture too.
I am talking to Mom right now and the doctor just told them that even though Dad's on Chemo, his immune system is still low and so they don't want him to have too many visitors and especially none with any sign of sickness. Even the healthy visitors must wear a mask. There are plenty of masks in the room. Also when you first go in, there is a bottle of foam hand dissinfectant that you have to wash your hands with before you touch Dad. He is feeling good and he likes getting visitor but the docotr said to keep the visitors to a minimum and the visits should be short.